Friday, December 31, 2010

Resolutions, Goals, Projects, What Have You

Basically, I just like making lists. And I like change and new beginnings. So here's a New Year's List of resolutions, goals & projects. They range from important, traditional and lofty to trivial, simple and fun.

1. More Date Nights - After having only a handful of kidless date nights in 2010 we resolve to make date nights a priority.

2. Make a Will - We don't have one. I know, it's terrible. What the heck would happen to our kids!!??!

3. 5K - The Illinois Marathon 5K in April.

4. Complete Little White Bungalow Projects - True, that's impossible because I'll always be coming up with more projects. I'm mainly referring to a couple of specific ones: mudroom makeover, awning makeover, clean/organize garage, create a 'mom cave' in the basement, and post a photo tour of LWB for Chelsea. Poor thing, she's been asking and I've been saying yes, but still haven't done it! Unacceptable!

5. Read More Books - I usually post our reading lists, but instead of making a list of books to read this year, I'm just going to keep a list of books that I've read this year. Make sense? This way I can focus on how many I've read instead of how many I didn't read. :)

6. Pay Off Our Car - Hooray for no more car payments!

7. Learn to Bake Bread - I know how to bake bread. But I'm talking about a more wholesome and nourishing bread. I may start with this.

What about you? Do you make any resolutions or goals? Do you have any projects to complete?


Unknown said...

Aww, I can't wait to see the LWB! I know every home is a work in progress, but I can't wait to see what you've done since you moved in.

I would love to complete #1, 3, 5, and 7 with you!

I'm starting Weight Watchers as of today with my mom. I haven't really thought that much about anything else. I'd like to have a resolution to make a baby, but that's really not in our hands!

Unknown said...

I like your list! I've been thinking of you because I am compiling my 2011 reading list and I'm so excited about it...Last years was such a success! I would also like to see house pics whenever you get it finished! :)