Saturday, October 24, 2009

Silas = 1 Month

Our son is a month old. It's been an exhausting month, but we're really enjoying our boy! Silas is quite a fussy little fellow! He spends most of his awake time crying. Our pediatrician says reflux and colic are to blame for upsetting our otherwise healthy baby. Tummy issues and screaming spells aside, he is healthy and growing. At his check up he measured 21 inches long and now weighs 9 pounds and 8.5 ounces.

He definitely had his days and nights mixed up and preferred to have his scream-fests around midnight. But, he has recently started settling into a somewhat predictable feeding & sleeping pattern. He has slept decently at night the past 3 nights, waking only to eat then going right back to sleep. Needless to say, we are praying that he continues to do this.

We're mostly told that he's a mini-Caleb.


Paula-Beth said...

Would being a mini Caleb be due to his looks or the screaming fits??:-)

I really feel for you on the sleeping schedule-hopefully this is his new routine and his days and nites are in the right place for good now!

He is just beautiful!

Allison said...

I'm so sorry the past month has been rough for Silas (and you). I'll be praying that he feels better and that he continues to sleep well. Nella's hair is getting so long. It is really beautiful. We miss you all so much!