Monday, March 9, 2009


This past weekend, Caleb and Nella were bitten by the 48 hour flu bug!

Here's our little sick girl snuggled up on the couch watching Curious George.

Here's little sickie enjoying a nice cold Popsicle. She has also been teething, so the icy cold must feel great on her gums. We hope those new bottom teeth come in soon!

Thankfully, they are both feeling much better, and Caleb didn't have to miss any work or classes.


kimberly said...

1) the first pic of nella is precious
2) david and i have learned that when using yeast when we have detailed recipes to follow we're more successful. like, the recipe said "warm" water, which we measured with a thermometer to make sure it was just right. in a bread recipe we had made it said to warm the mixing bowl (we used a mixer to make the dough) so we did that with the crust too. and when it said to let it rise in a warm place, we heated the oven a little, then set the dough in there to rise... you can tell we're all about those details, heh.

Shannon Leigh Anderson said...

BUMMER about the shampoo rebate. You'll have to let me know if you EVER get it!!!:) I did like the shampoo though!!!

Shannon Leigh Anderson said...

oh and I got your check! Thanks for the business:)